Practice Based Small Group Learning (PBSGL): a new offer for GPs & Primary Care Clinicians from Devon Training Hub
Would you like to set up a peer-learning group in your PCN to support local GPs and new roles coming into primary care?
PBSGL is an innovative flexible learning programme for General Practice. It is aimed at GPs, general practice nurses, advanced practitioners and first contact practitioners working in primary care. It is ideal for clinicians at all stages of their career and offers CPD & peer learning opportunities for incoming ARRS/AHP roles.
Designed by GPs, PBSGL is based on over 100 ready-made ‘case-based’ modules on a wide range of topics relevant to clinical practice. It is usually run as a 4-6 weekly peer learning group, either in person or virtually, with detailed learning materials for each case and a member of the group acting as a facilitator for group discussion and learning.
Benefits for GPs and PCNs
- 10-20 hrs/yr for appraisal & revalidation
- Peer learning & support to reduce professional isolation
- Opportunity to build relationships across your PCN
- Innovative & attractive CPD offer for new & existing staff
Devon Training Hub have purchased a limited number of annual licences to support the creation of new PBSGL groups in Devon
We are also working with Devon Local Pharmaceutical Committee to promote new opportunities for integrated learning for Practice and Community Pharmacists in Primary Care Networks. Devon LPC will fund limited number of Learner Licences for Community Pharmacists who would like to join existing PCN level PBSGL groups to pilot this new opportunity.
For more information on how you can:
- set up a PBSGL group in your PCN
- join an existing group in your locality
- apply for DTH/DPC funded licence
- train as a PBSGL Facilitator
Please download our Devon Training Hub PBSGL Scheme FAQs
If you are interested in taking up this offer please email us at or Sign up here.