If you are a GP new to living and working in Devon or the UK please contact us at devon.traininghub@nhs.net to be connected to one of our GP Education Leads for further advice and signposting.
Finding your first GP role
- Make sure you are on the Performers List (via PCSE Performers List)
- Devon LMC Jobs Board publishes an up-to-date list of GP Vacancies
- GP Vacancies are also advertised on BMJ Careers and RCGP Jobs
- Join the Devon GPs Facebook page
- If you’ve just started in a new post you can use the BMA Contract Checking Service (BMA Members only)
- Devon Training Hub offers a Virtual 2 day Induction Programmeto all staff new to working in General Practice and PCNs. The course runs monthly and will offer bespoke sessions for newly qualified/IMG GPs in early 2025 – see our Training Calander for dates & booking information.
- For those who trained outside the UK, the International Induction Programme (IIP) provides a supported pathway for overseas qualified General Practitioners (GPs) to be inducted safely into NHS General Practice.
Devon New to Practice Programme (GPs)
Devon GP New to Practice Programmeis open to GPs within 12m of CCT and offers access to free educational events, small group support and mentoring as well as the opportunity to build portfolio and non-clinical skills. GP participants are entitled to a fixed reimbursement equivalent to one session a month upon the return of a signed MOU. For further information please contact shs.dth.fellowshipadmin@nhs.net
Careers Advice & Portfolio Working
DTH GP New to Practice Mentoring Scheme – free 1-1 support with an experienced GP colleague to support you as you transition into clinical practice and develop your career. Mentoring is flexible over 6 -12 months and can cover careers, portfolio working, work-life balance and more. If you are interested in this offer, please contact us on shs.dth.fellowshipadmin@nhs.net
DTH GP Career Mentoring Scheme – an opportunity to meet with an experienced GP colleague to discuss your career development. Our GP mentors include partners, locums and salaried GPs who hold a variety of portfolio roles and can offer guidance and support if you wish to develop a special interest or portfolio career. Mentoring is flexible, taking place at a time and place to suit you. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact us on shs.dth.fellowshipadmin@nhs.net or sign up here
Preparation for Partnership Programme – Devon Training Hub offer a free 10-part lunchtime webinar series designed to support you transition to a partnership role. Topics include Partnership Finances, Legal Frameworks & Contracts, Communication Strategies and Interview Skills, plus time to share ideas and challenges with colleagues. For more information on future dates contact shs.dth.fellowshipadmin@nhs.net
Special Interest Groups – 2 hour online sessions every 3 months on specialist topics e.g. Women’s Health, Dermatology, Education, Lifestyle Medicine with local Devon GP experts. These are run primarily for GPs on our New to Practice Programme but may also be of interest if you are looking to develop a special interest. To register your interest contact shs.dth.fellowshipadmin@nhs.net
- Fellowships Fixed term fellowships are advertised periodically by Devon Training Hub and Devon ICS. A Fellowship post gives you the chance to develop and follow your own interests in protected time, the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge, and to network with stakeholders from across the system. Some examples of past and current fellowships undertaken are:
- GP Wellbeing Fellowship
- Population Health Fellowship
- Health Inequalities Fellowship
- Primary Care Academy Fellowship
- Early Career GP Fellowship
- Locality Educator/GP Trainer Fellowship
For more information Devon GP Fellowships and GP Fellowships (HEE)
- Useful Links
- RCGP – Your GP Career Options – resource on roles and pathways aimed at early career GPs including salaried, partnership, and locum options
Peer Support & Networking
Next Generation GP (Devon & Cornwall) – Next Generation GP (NGGP) is a leadership and networking programme funded by NHS England, aimed at GPs who are up to 7 years post-CCT. It provides a series of evening learning events presenting expert speakers and interactive workshops to help develop skills and knowledge to develop your career and drive change. To be notified of future dates please email devon.traininghub@nhs.net
GP Small Groups – regular facilitated peer support small groups for GPs at all career stages including early career, experienced GPs and those on or returning from a short career break. The meeting room (face to face or virtual), a trained facilitator and refreshments (for F2F meetings) are provided through a partnership between Devon Training Hub and Devon ICB. If you would like to take part please contact us at devon.traininghub@nhs.net
- Balint Groups offer structured reflective spaces to discuss cases with a focus on some of the unique challenges GPs experience in interactions with patients.
The RCGP describes a Balint group as “a highly developed and tested method of small-group consultation analysis that aims specifically to focus on the emotional content, not just of single consultations but of ongoing doctor–patient relationships. Many doctors who have had the experience of Balint training attest to the lifelong benefits that it can bring in terms of interest in patients’ lives, self-knowledge, job satisfaction and prevention of ‘burn out’.” (RCGP – Professional Topic Guides).
There are several Balint Groups currently running in Devon. If you are interested in joining, we can put you in touch as openings arise. Please register your interest by emailing us at devon.traininghub@nhs.net
- Useful links
- Devon LMC Leadership Hub (Sharepoint site)
Education, Training and CPD
The Devon Training Hub Training Calender lists courses for GPs and other members of the primary care team from a range of external providers.
Devon GP bulletin is a weekly operational briefing, keeping you up-to-date with valuable news, commissioner updates and opportunities. Email D-ICB.Communications@nhs.net to be added to the mailing list.
Problem Based Small Group Learning is a flexible case-based learning programme for GPs. Several PCN groups are up and running in Devon. The Devon PBSGL Scheme can fund PBSGL licences for the first year. If you are a GP who is interested in joining a group or setting one up in your practice/PCN .
Evening and Daytime events (Nuffield Health etc). Various external healthcare organisations run regular in-person and virtual education evenings and full day events with GPs in Exeter, Plymouth, North Devon & Torbay. If you are interested in joining the mailing list to be notified of future events, please contact us and we will put you in touch.
South West Primary Care Academy run monthly online events on a range of topics relevant to primary care.
NHS Leadership Academy – online learning hub on a range of topics including team dynamics, motivation and systems leadership, plus access to regional/national leadership development programmes.
- Useful Links
- RCGP Learning & Resources – e-learning, books, toolkits and events (may require RCGP membership)
- E-learning for Healthcare – free online learning modules for all health and care staff. Registration required.
- Red Whale & NB Medical both offer online webinars & updates on clinical/non-clinical topics, plus an annual subscription option.
Appraisals & Revalidation
- Devon Training Hub offer sessions on preparing for your appraisal as part of quarterly education events – see our Training Calander for more information.
- RCGP Appraisals & Revalidation Guidance –what’s needed for your appraisal portfolio, what to include in your appraisal discussion, and how to make the most of the appraisal process.
- NHS England – Medical Appraisal Guide (2022)
- GP Appraisals – GP-created resource with lots of useful information