What is Personalised Care?
As part of the NHS Long Term Plan to deliver personalised care to 2.5 million people living in the UK by 2023/4, a series of specialist roles have been created to help people access the support and advice they need. These include:
- social prescribing link workers
- care coordinators
- health and wellbeing coaches
Funding for Primary Care Networks to employ these roles is available through the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme in the PCN Network Contract.
The personalised care roles can work together to deliver person-centred care as part of the primary care MDT.
Training programmes in personalised care
The Personalised Care Institute sets quality standards for training in personalised care and supports the development of training programmes for the workforce. A range of accredited online and offline training is available for the workforce on topics including personalised care and support planning and shared decision making.
Personalised Care in Action