Mandatory Training

It is expected that all staff will complete relevant mandatory training to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge to undertake their role safely and effectively.

As a minimum, the CQC expect to see evidence that staff have completed the following training:

  • BLS with AED
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Infection Prevention Control
  • Fire Safety training
  • Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of liberty safeguards
  • Safeguarding Adults & Children
  • Information governance

CQC ask you to show evidence of training for clinical staff that is linked to their specific clinical responsibilities. For example, nursing staff could have training in taking samples for the cervical screening programme or administering vaccines. For extended roles, it could be in treating minor illness and long-term conditions.

GP mythbuster 70: Mandatory training considerations in general practice – Care Quality Commission (

It is up to each individual practice to determine what their exact requirements are in terms of training but Key Line of Enquiry E3 asks “How does the service make sure that the staff have the skills, knowledge and experience to deliver effective care, support and treatment?”  Practices also need to consider the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (regulated activities) Regulations 2014, specifically Regulation 18.  As a provider of regulated activities, you’ll need to ensure that you have enough qualified, competent, skilled and experienced staff to meet the needs of your patient population at all times.

In order to assist practices decide what mandatory training staff should have we have put together a table of recommended mandatory training, including links to where the training may be obtained.

Devon Training Hub run a monthly Induction programme for all Practice & PCN staff new to General Practice.  The aim being to support practice induction by providing a consistent and comprehensive introduction to working in Primary Care.  Topics covered within the programme include:

  • Data Security                                                              
  • Equality, diversity & Inclusion
  • Fire safety
  • Health, safety and welfare
  • Basic infection prevention & control
  • Information governance
  • Basics of moving & handling
  • Whistleblowing
  • Introduction to safeguarding (adults & children)

For further information:  Induction Programme for all GP Practice & PCN Staff | Resources | Devon Training Hub

Further Information:

Oliver McGowan – Learning Disability and Autism:

 The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism – elearning for healthcare (

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism: Tier guidance for employers (

e-learning for health is an NHS England programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies providing free training for all nhs professionals:

 Statutory and Mandatory Training – elearning for healthcare (

Bluestream academy – provide a range of e-learning modules for GP Practice.   The suites of learning can be customised for your practice with modules selected for each job role.  There is a charge for this service based on practice requirements:

Our eLearning System (

iLearn for Teamnet – Provide a range of learning experiences including statutory and mandatory courses as well as webinars and masterclasses for clinical teams.  Can be used as part of the Clarity – Teamnet intranet package with a range of prices to suit individual practice requirements.

Home – iLearn (

Practice Index -Hub – provide a range of learning packages to suit practice requirements, including mandatory training, lunch and learn and masterclasses.  Cost of the package is determined by staff list size and type of package required.  Learning Package from Practice Index – More information – Learning Package

Other training resources:

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