Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training offers

Devon Training Hub has developed a series of teaching sessions for all primary care staff on EDI. These are open to all PCNs looking to expand their knowledge, understanding and practice in this area, and are aimed at a mixed clinical & non-clinical audience. These sessions will take 2 hours and are a mix of face-face and virtual sessions.

The training series is made up of 4 modules exploring some key areas of EDI and is designed to give delegates more confidence to explore the respective topics and the actions they can take, in a safe and supportive environment. They are designed and delivered by experienced educators with lived of experience of some of the core themes and based on current best practice. They will encourage participants to bring their own experiences to enrich the learning for all.

If your PCN is interested in taking up this exciting offer or you have any questions, please contact Anisio Veloso on anisio.veloso@nhs.net  or Sarah Stapleton on sarahstapleton1@nhs.net .

Module 1: Cultural Awareness, Microaggressions and Allyships/bystander

The focus of this session is on cultural awareness and related microaggressions (when someone says something that potentially offends due cultural misunderstanding). The session also covers how reception staff could respond if a patient says something which could be interpreted as racist about a member of our team.

Details of the module are as follow:

Mode of delivery of session: Face to face interactive workshop

Target audience:  Administrative staff and clinicians

Number of delegates: 20

Objectives: By the end of the session, you will be able to:

1.           Define what microaggression is and understand they can occur without intent.

2.           Identify the impact of microaggression on marginalised individuals.

3.           Learn about an easy-to-use tool to manage microaggression.

4.           Effectively intervene as a bystander in a structured way.

5.           Share your learning with your team when back at work.

This course is a comprehensive, practical session that will take build on learning provided in online modules through facilitated discussions and conversations. As the topic and conversations can be emotive support is offered during the session and afterward if needed.

This module has been developed by Dr Anisio Veloso (GP Educator Fellow for ED&I) with the support from Sarah Stapleton (Program Delivery Manager (non clinical) Education Facilitator. 

Module 2: LGBTQ+ inclusion

The focus of this session is to give delegates confidence in their own understanding of this topic and the actions they take. Anisio Veloso will bring his own lived experience as a foreigner gay man to facilitate understanding.

We are going to talk about inclusive language, terminology and challenges faced within the community. The main aim is to give delegates tools to challenge non-inclusive behaviour.

Mode of delivery of session: Face to face interactive workshop

Target audience:  Administrative staff and clinicians

Number of delegates: up to 20

Objectives: By the end of the session, you will be able to:

1.           Define LGBTQ+ and gender identity terminology.

2.           Identify why is important to get pronouns right.

3.           Learn about legislation at workplace about gender issues

4.           Learn about health inequality and gender and how to practice effective allyship.

5.           Share your learning with your team when back at work.

This course is a comprehensive, practical session that will take build on learning provided in online modules through facilitated discussions and conversations. As the topic and conversations can be emotive support is offered during the session and afterward if needed.

This module has been developed by Dr Anisio Veloso (GP Educator Fellow for ED&I) with the support from Sarah Stapleton (Program Delivery Manager (non clinical) Education Facilitator. 

Module 3: Inclusive Communication in Disability

Module 3: Inclusive Communication in Disability

The focus of this session is to give delegates confidence in their own understanding of this topic and the actions they take. Delegates will listen to what disable people have to say about their disability to facilitate understanding.

We are going to talk about understanding the inclusive language, terminology and challenges faced by disabled people. The main aim is to give delegates tools to challenge non-inclusive behavior and what language and style of language to use at the workplace.

Mode of delivery of session: Face to face interactive workshop

Target audience:  administrative staff and clinicians

Number of delegates: up to 20

Objectives: By the end of the session, you will be able to:

1.           Learn why we should discuss language and meaning.

2.           Define the Medical and Social Model of Disability.

3.           Identify Newspaper/Media language style standards in the context of disability.

4.           Effectively differentiate empowering and disempowering language.

5.           Share your learning with your team when back at work.

This course is a comprehensive, practical session that will take build on learning provided in online modules through facilitated discussions and conversations. As the topic and conversations can be emotive support is offered during the session and afterward if needed.

This module has been developed by Dr Anisio Veloso (GP Educator Fellow for ED&I) with the support from Sarah Stapleton (Program Delivery Manager (non clinical) Education Facilitator. 

Module 4: Digital Accessibility

The focus of this session is to explore how disable people access the common Microsoft office tools and understand challenges they face when attending virtual meeting and PowerPoint presentations to facilitate understanding.

Facilitators will provide practical advice/tips to use in face-to-face presentations and via Microsoft Teams. Also, practical advice on Word, PowerPoint and when creating Emails; understanding the challenges faced by disabled people when we do not follow the accessibility style.

Delegates will be given practical tools to improve accessibility when we are communicating to patients and colleagues using the digital world. Please note that delegates will be given resources to follow, regarding social media and Excell, as those topics are not covered in this module.

Mode of delivery of session: Face to face interactive workshop

Target audience:  Administrative staff and clinicians

Number of delegates: 20

Objectives: By the end of the session, you will be able to:

1.           Identify the general context of accessibility regulations at workplace.

2.           Define Digital accessibility and its symbols/signs.

3.           Learn about basic accessibility principles: MS Word, MS Teams, Email (outlook for   

              desktop) and MS PowerPoint

4.           Share your learning with your team when back at work.

This course is a comprehensive, practical session that will take build on learning provided in online modules through facilitated discussions and conversations. As the topic and conversations can be emotive support is offered during the session and afterward if needed.

This module has been developed by Dr Anisio Veloso (GP Educator Fellow for ED&I) with the support from Sarah Stapleton (Program Delivery Manager (non clinical) Education Facilitator. 

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