Multi-disciplinary Research opportunities in Primary Care
Formal clinical academic pathways are competitive and demand a long term time and career commitment alongside clinical work.
There are plenty of other opportunities to develop skills and experience in primary care research and to develop this interest in Devon and the South West as part of a portfolio career.
Visit Future Learn: Improving Healthcare Through Clinical Research
NIHR Learn includes information on:
- What is the NIHR/CRN?
- ‘Good Clinical Practice’ (GCP) – this online training course is essential if you want to directly support study delivery in any clinical setting including your GP practice
- Resources: Leadership, Continuous Improvement, Technology etc
Useful Links:
Society of Academic Primary Care
NIHR Clinical Research Network: Primary Care
Involving your practice in supporting primary care-based research studies
Sign up to the South West CRN Research Site Initiative Scheme (RSI)
Obtain RCGP Research Ready accreditation: