Key Information
Scope of Practice
Paramedics are increasingly seen working in primary care rolls. Their broad spectrum of skills lend themselves to the assessment and management of urgent and complex patients that present in general practice. Often seen working in the ‘on the day’ team, or in home visiting rolls, their history taking, advanced diagnostic and holistic assessment skills are highly valued and compliment existing general practice teams.
Registered with with HCPC (Health Care Professions Council), Paramedics can progress to First Contract Practitioner (FCP), Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) and can become Independent Prescribers (IP).
Training Requirements
Entry requirements:
- Before working in primary care Paramedics will have successfully completed a Newly Qualified Paramedic (NQP) programme, or similar, within the first two years of being registered.
- All Community Paramedics need to register with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and renew every two years. From 2021, every Paramedic must have a BSc (Hons) in paramedic science in order to be on the HCPC register.
If employed under ARRS contract, they will need to complete stage 1 & 2 of the first contact practitioner (FCP) pathway as outlined by Health Education England (HEE), within the first 12-18 months of commencing.
Paramedics can complete this accreditation via 2 routes: a portfolio or higher education route (HEI). Completion of the HEI route result in 45-60 credits at level 7. A supervisor is required for both routes. The training listed below is essential if you want to sign off your FCP following a portfolio route.
It’s useful to familiarise yourself with the paramedic roadmap above especially pages: 25-36 and Appendix 12.1
From April 2021 onwards, paramedics can be employed under the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS).
Funding for Advanced Practice Training
There are 4 possible funding options available for Advanced Practice training, see further info below or contact the Devon Training Hub direct to find out more:
CPD Funding
The 3 year CPD allowance of £1000 for AHPs came to an end on 31st March 2023. A deadline for submission of final claims by practices was set for 21st April 2023. DTH are working with the ICS to decide on how to allocate any underspend. For more information on CPD funding please contact
Supervision Requirements
If the paramedic is undertaking first contact practitioner (FCP) training, should have access to daily debriefs with roadmap supervisor. Otherwise support from clinicians signed off at clinical practice master’s level or equivalent.
NHSE have also produced Supervision guidance for primary care network multidisciplinary teams
What are the supervisions requirements?
Contractual obligations:
B13.1. pg 113: ‘Where a PCN employs or engages a Paramedic under the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme, the PCN must ensure that the paramedic is working towards developing masters level or equivalent capability in paramedic areas of practice and, within six months of the commencement of reimbursement for that individual (or a longer time period as agreed with the commissioner), has completed and been signed off formally within the clinical pillar competencies of the paramedic FCP/AP roadmap to practice.’
‘Providers must ensure that staff are operating within the limits of their competency. They must also provide staff with appropriate supervision. The individual practice will allocate an appropriate senior member of the primary care team to provide day-to-day supervision of all clinical staff.
Useful Links:
Educational Pathways:
To work in primary care, FCP paramedics need to work through stage 1 & 2 of the FCP roadmap to practice within first year to 18/12 of recruitment:
Paramedics can complete this accreditation via 2 routes: a portfolio or higher education route (HEI). Completion of the HEI route result in 45-60 credits at level 7. A supervisor is required for both routes. The training listed below is essential if you want to sign off your FCP following a portfolio route.
Its useful to familiarise yourself with the paramedic roadmap above especially pages: 25-36 and Appendix 12.1
Who can supervise them?
To qualify as a roadmap supervisor (RMSV) you must be:
- A GP Trainer – ES (ES’s do not need to do the 2 day course but have an optional top up session available as an e-lfh video (approx. 60 mins in duration)
- A GP
- A Clinician who has a relevant post registration Masters degree (Pre registration Masters degrees DO NOT qualify)
- Are a full MACP member (Physiotherapist qualification)
- A First Contact Practitioner who is recognised by the HEE Centre
- An Advanced Clinical Practitioner who is recognised by the HEE Centre.
Responsibilities of Roadmap Supervisors (RMSV)
The role of a Roadmap Supervisor comes with the responsibility of undertaking workplace-based assessments (within your own scope of practice) and verifying evidence of knowledge, skills, and capability in day-to-day practice. Please ensure that you base your decisions on evidence and use the verification process as outlined on the RMSV course, supported by resources on the HEE Roadmaps to Practice Landing Page, and can justify your reasoning. Engagement in the training is required to support you in this process.
Following completion of the RMSV training, trainers will provide a survey link for RMSVs to register their completion of the training.
What training or qualifications do supervisors need?
2 day Roadmap Supervisor Training Course:
This course will include:
- The role of the Clinical supervision and CPD supervision
- An overview of educational theory
- Creating an educational culture
- Feedback
- The journey to FCP or AP roles
- Supporting trainees in/with difficulties
- How to use WPBA
- Supporting FCP/AP with their portfolio of evidence
- The verification process
Where can supervisors access the relevant training / CPD?
For upcoming Roadmap Supervisor course dates please register interest / contact:
- Educator training resources (ETR) NEW course
- Module 1 includes sessions on: Supervision, effective feedback, supporting learners and this is also where the top up training video for GP educational supervisors who are supporting Allied health professionals (AHPs) through their roadmap to First Contact Practitioner (FCP) accreditation.
Ongoing CPD around multi-professional supervision can be accessed via the southwest primary care academy virtual events.
Useful Links:
Learning & Development
Useful Links:
Devon Training Hub Offers
You will find multiple training opportunities on our website.
DTH offer a range of modules relevant to first contact practitioners in primary care including:
- Introduction to Clinical Red Flags
- Consultations Skills & MDT Working
- GP How does it work?
- Chronic Disease updates
For support and guidance on first contact pathway or other training needs please contact either or
For those new to primary care, we are pleased to offer a bespoke course to support you in your exciting new role; Transition to primary care (consisting of 4 F2F days in various locations in Devon) dates to be confirmed. Please contact for further information.
For information on Communities of Practice / Peer Learning Groups in Devon & the South West please contact Devon Training Hub directly or see our DTH Guide to ARRS Community of Practice.