Key Information

Advanced practitioners can be a nurse, pharmacist, physiotherapist, paramedic, occupational therapist, dietitian or podiatrist. 

Scope of Practice

Depending on profession: 

  • Assesses and triages patients 
  • Manages undiagnosed and complex co-morbidities 
  • Provides definitive treatment 
  • Supervises the multidisciplinary team 

Training Requirements

Educated to master’s degree level* in the relevant area of expertise so that work encompasses the four pillars of clinical practice, leadership and management, education, and research.

* Advanced clinical practitioner nurses must have completed an accredited MSc advanced practice programme or the HEE e-Portfolio (supported) process.


From April 2023, the limit for advanced practitioners funded through the ARRS PCN contract will increase to three per PCN where the PCN’s list size is 99,999 or fewer, and six where it is 100,000.

Supervision Requirements

Monthly supervision can be provided by a GP, experienced advanced practitioner or consultant practitioner of the corresponding professions.

Devon Training Hub have recently produced a summary guide covering the supervision of all roles including GPs, Nurses, Non-Medical Prescribers, Advanced Practitioners and new roles funded through the ARRS scheme.

The guide contains the latest information on supervision requirements for each role, which team members of the team can supervise them,  & details of training requirements & CPD opportunities for supervisors.

NHSE have also produced Supervision guidance for primary care network multidisciplinary teams.

Learning & Development

More information coming soon.

Devon Training Hub Offers

Please see our Training Calendar for upcoming events.

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