The funding for the NHS new to practice fellowship for GPNs has changed. The new offer is a two-year programme. Due to funding processes, we have received the funding for year one and are confident regarding year two.
The offer includes:
- Quarterly Whole Programme Meets (WPM) and six Professional Development Days (PDD) each year. These sessions are free to attend, comprise of essential topics for GPNs and are delivered by experienced GPs and GPNs.
- Fundamentals of General Practice Nursing; consisting of three 20 credit modules at either level 6 (degree) or 7 (masters). Tuition fees and fully funded; however, there is no backfill for university contact days.
- Support from a Legacy Nurse Mentor.
- Bimonthly support Network (online) with the GPN Lead: Joyce Pickering.
Please note that the backfill won’t cover all the elements of the programme.
If you have any questions, please contact our programme coordinator Natu via who will direct your enquiry to the most appropriate person.