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Pessary Management of Pelvic Organ Prolapse Primary Care Level
April 18, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Target Audience: who is this suitable for? – GPs and registered Nurses/Practitioners with a special interest on Women’s health
Areas to be covered:
- Teach pessary management of pelvic organ prolapse in line with 2021 UKCS guidelines
To be achieved through these objectives:
- Follow UKCS guidelines and log book for practical assessment
- Understanding basics of pelvic floor assessment for prolapse and symptoms
- Teach sizing and fitting of FP10 available pessaries in models
Learning outcomes i.e by the end of this activity, attendees should be able to
- Deliver best practice in non surgical treatment of prolapse according to standardised UKCS guidelines
- Assessment of pelvic organ prolapse and appropriate choice of management with pessary or referral onwards.
- Undertake practical sizing and fitting of available pessaries (FP10) and completion of relevant competencies given in log book standards.
Evidence/guidelines and/or other resources (e.g. patient/service user input) that have been used to inform the content
- 2021 UKCS UK clinical guideline for best practice in the use of vaginal pessaries for pelvic organ prolapse.
- Practical use of pessaries on demonstration models
Delivery method e.g. live webinar/pre-recorded video/face to face training etc.
- 2 x face to face lectures with practical session on demo models at the end
- Some face to face with patients can be offered to those clinicians that require further support.
Length of the activity i.e how many CPD hours?
- Each session will last approx. 3 to 4 hours
Materials available to the learner before, during or after the activity
- https://www.ukcs.uk.net/UK-Pessary-Guideline-2021
- Each learner is expectedhttps://forms.office.com/e/E2h9DW9zUJ to have these guidelines with log book printed off and with them at session.
This event is now full, please express your interest for the other dates – 17th July & 17th October